Will be held on March 12-13, 2011 at FF Building 3rd Floor, Universitas Surabaya with following speakers:
Mr. Jan van Dalen, PhD.
Coordinator of communication skills training and assessment
Skills laboratory, Maastricht University
Drs. Adji Prayitno, M.S., Apt.
Director of Pusat Informasi Obat dan Layanan Kefarmasian
University of Surabaya
Dr. Astrid Pratidina Susilo, MPH
Lecturer of Research Methodology, Social Pharmacy and Epidemiology Master of
Clinical Pharmacy, University of Surabaya
Registration fees
800.000 IDR per person including:
2 days snack and lunch
Training kit
Certificate attendance
Payment should be paid to the following account:
Rec. Number: 1070500082
Yosi Irawati Wibowo
BCA KCP Mangga Dua Surabaya
Please return the bank transfer receipt and filled registration form to the PIOLK at you earliest convenience
This training limited to 40 participants
The registration deadline is March 10, 2011
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi
Pusat Informasi Obat dan Layanan Kefarmasian
Universitas Surabaya
Gedung FF lantai 5
Raya Kalirungkut, Surabaya
Phone: 031-2981170/2
Fax: 031-2981171
Email: piolk@ubaya.ac.id