On Saturday, 30 October 2010, Secretary Study Program of Politeknik Ubaya sent three representatives to join a Business Administration Competition for University Students in East Java. The representatives were Reny Ekayanti (4083012), Fanda Antolis (4083022), and Chyntia Angela (4083011).Before leaving for the competition, they were prepared for their computer skills (given by Drs. Barnad, MT as advisor 1), secretarial skill (given by Dra. Naniek Mariandari, M.M as advisor 2), and English Skills (given by Yerly A. Datu as advisor 3).
Within a day, the representatives from the Secretary Study Program of Politeknik Ubaya had to do series of tasks which included secretarial skills, such a : typing and making business letter, computer skills and English skills, such as debate and presentation. Along with the other contestants from other universities such as Secretary Academy of Widya Mandala Catholic University, State Polytechnic of Malang (Polinema), State University of Malang (UM), and etc, they competed for the first, second and third place of the competition. The competition was extremely tough and needed strong endurance from the participants since the competition was conducted the whole day.
Finally, after long hours of competition, the judges of the Business Administration Competition which came from ISI (Ikatan Sekretari Indonesia), a practitioner and the representative lecturer from Polinema announced the winners. Luckily, Fanda Antolis from Secretary Study Program of Politeknik Ubaya won the competition as the Second Winner. That was surely a great moment for Politeknik Ubaya for being able to prove its existence and ability to compete with other universities. Bravo Secretary Study Progam, Bravo Politeknik Ubaya.