A staff from University of Surabaya, Elieser Tarigan, PhD., for the second time since 2008, visited the Solar Energy Research Center (SERC), Dalarna University, Sweden in September 2010. During his visit at SERC, Elieser Tarigan was giving lectures on solar drying, Hydropower, and Bioenergy for the European Solar Energy School (ESES) students at Dalarna University. The visit was used also to discuss further possibilities of collaboration between SERC/ESES and University of Surabaya in the area of renewable energy. The visit is funded by at grant of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) within the Linnaeus-Palme program.
In the Spring 2011 a staff of SERC of Dalarna University will carry out a return visit in University of Surabaya, Indonesia. A student from ESES had carried out her master thesis project at Ubaya, investigating the performance of PV system installed at 3rd campus, Trawas. University of Surabaya has been expanding its 3rd campus in Trawas, a rural area of the East Java Province. Ubaya has been involved in Renewable Energy Technology activities and have solar systems installed on her third campus in Trawas (UTC), which is a luxury high-tech and environmentally friendly campus dedicated to outdoor learning activities. Several courses related to renewable energy are now being offered and integrated into the curriculum at the faculty of engineering Ubaya.
Source (adopted from): https://www.eses.org