UBAYA – Permainan ular tangga karya Fakultas Bisnis dan Ekonomika (FBE) Universitas Surabaya (Ubaya) masuk ke dalam 6 Permainan Papan Klasik Raksasa (6 Giant Versions of Classic Board Games) versi majalah dan media online internasional, The Week. Game karya FBE Ubaya berukuran 14 x 14 meter ini dicatat The Week sebagai permainan papan klasik terbesar di dunia bersama lima permainan lainnya, yaitu Game of Life di Pulau Yoron (Jepang), catur raksasa di Kanada, Mousetrap di Amerika Serikat, Monopoli raksasa di San Jose, California, AS, dan Scrabble raksasa di London.
Berita masuknya Ular Tangga karya FBE Ubaya sebagai satu dari enam game terbesar di dunia dilansir The Week pada 1 Juli 2013. Penulisnya, wartawan Danny Galagher, menempatkan Ular Tangga FBE Ubaya dalam posisi ke enam dalam daftar 6 Giant Versions of Classic Board Games.
Dalam catatan Direktorat Marketing and Public Relation Ubaya, permainan Ular Tangga FBE Ubaya ini dirilis pada awal Desember 2010 di Royal Plaza. Saat itu, perwakilan dari MURI (Museum Rekor Indonesia) juga hadir untuk mencatat prestasi ini. Selain itu, berbagai media massa local maupun nasional juga ikut meliput Ular Tangga raksasa ini.
Ular Tangga ini terdiri atas 100 kotak (100 nomor) yang masing-masing kotak berukuran 1,5 meter, dan dibuat terkait event FBE Style dilakukan sebagai bagian dari mata kuliah kewirausahaan.
The Week sendiri merupakan salah satu media cetak (majalah mingguan) dan online internasional yang berpengaruh. The Week diterbitkan di Inggris oleh salah satu tokoh penerbitan Sunday Telegraph pada 1995. Setelah sukses di Inggris, The Week menerbitkan edisi Amerika Serikat pada April 2001 dan edisi Australia pada Oktober 2008. Pada September 2007, The Week merilis website untuk memperkuat edisi cetaknya.
Sampai sekarang, The Week dikenal sebagai majalah mingguan dan online yang merangkum berita, opini, dan ide terbaik dari segala penjuru dunia, Tiap minggu, para redakturnya meriset ratusan koran, majalah, dam website berskala internasional untuk melacak berita, opini, atau gagasan yang dinilai menarik dan menginspirasi publik. The Week menyebut berita-berita yang mereka sajikan sebagai ‘all they need to know about everything that matters.’ (Segala sesuatu yang penting dan perlu diketahui).
Berikut ini naskah berita tentang Ular Tangga FBE Ubaya yang dimuat di The Week, 1 Juli 2013 (https://theweek.com/article/index/246344/6-giant-versions-of-classic-board-games). Silakan simak poin nomor 6 dalam berita ini. (MPR Ubaya)
6 giant versions of classic board games
1. The Game of LIFE
In an effort to attract tourists to their remote town, the people of the Japanese island of Yoron are transforming their land into a giant version of the Game of LIFE. Participants in the game will be given maps, fake money for game-play, and clues to their tasks. The island will also include a giant roulette spinner and buses in place of the game’s car playing pieces.
2. Chess
‘To promote chess as a recreational activity for all ages,’ Canada’s Medicine Hat Chess Society built a large version of the game, which features pieces that tower as high as four feet and weigh a collective 870 pounds. In 2009, the Guinness Book of World Records recognized the chess set as the world’s largest.
3. Mousetrap
Mousetrap enthusiast and builder Mark Perez constructed 25-ton version of the Rube Goldberg-esque machine from the classic board game. Perez takes the gigantic contraption on tour to festivals and fairs around the country.
4. Monopoly
Discovery Meadow in San Jose, Calif., is home to ‘Monopoly in the Park,’ one of the world’s largest Monopoly boards. To play on the 930-square-foot cement board, participants wear special helmets with the game’s signature pieces on top of them, roll a giant pair of dice, and place specially designed green houses and red hotels on their properties.
5. Scrabble
In celebration of the word game’s 50th anniversary in 1998, London’s famed Wembley Stadium briefly housed the biggest game of Scrabble in the world. The board covered most of the playing field, with British soldiers hoisting letter tiles as big as kitchen tables onto the boards at the behest of players.
6. Snakes Ladders
The game better known in the United States as Chutes Ladders got the life-size treatment in 2010 when the Faculty of Business and Economics at Indonesia’s University of Surabaya (UBAYA) created a massive version of the game on the floor of the school’s main building. The game board had an area just over 45 feet and used 105 people in 35 teams to stage a massive ‘Snakes Ladders’ tournament.
Source: https://theweek.com