Dies Natalis Fakultas Psikologi yang ke 30 fadjar September 27, 2012

Dies Natalis Fakultas Psikologi yang ke 30

Dalam rangka Dies Natalis Fak. Psikologi yang ke 30 akan menyelenggarakan kegiatan diantaranya :

Dengan susunan acara sbb :

Day 1 : International Workshop (Tgl 3 Oktober 2012)

Dilaksanakan secara parallel, dengan tema:

  1. Holistic Healing

Keynote Speaken Margrett Rueffler, Ph.D.

A German-american, holds a Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology and a psychotherapist and acupuncturist. She is also the founder of the Pshcho Political Peace Institute in Staefa Switzerland and New York. Dr Rueffler has researched the prevention of collective traumate and the Psychology of Nations.

  1. Talent Management

Keynote Speaker: Pambudi Sunarsihanto, M.Sc.MBA.

Current (Senior for PeopleDevelopment Consulting at Mazars)

Past (Head of Competence Management at Nakia Siemens Network, Executive Vice President Human Resource at Telkomsel, Head of Human Resource Develpoment at Nokia Mobile Phones).

Day 2 : National Conference (Tgl 4 Oktober 2012)




09.00- 10.00








Opening Ceremony

Keynote Speech

Cross-cultural Leadership of Asian Leaders in The New Globalism

Keynote Speaker Hora Tjitra, Ph.D

Associate Professor for Applied Psychology, Zhejiang University, China


Plenary Session

Kota Rumah Lingkungan Bagi Lansia: Komporasi dari Berbagai Negara

Invited Speaker: Prof. Dr. Tri Budi W. Rahardjo

Director of Centre for Ageing Studies, University Indonesia


Paralellel Session 1 (free poper)


Parallel Session 2 (free poper)

Clasing Ceremony

Berikut kami sampaikan info-info seputar Reuni Akbar Psikologi Ubaya 2012,

REUNI AKBAR PSIKOLOGI UBAYA, Awal Dari Suatu Masa’ (Temu Alumni dan

Kel.Besar FaPsi Ubaya dalam rangka Dies Natalis ke-30) Diikuti 27 angkatan,angkatan 1982 s/d 2008, Sabtu tanggal 27 Oktober 2012, mulai pukul 10.00 s/d 21.00 WIB di Kampus Psikologi Ubaya Tenggilis.

Segmen Acara:

Pkl 10.00-16.00 WIB (optional):

Lomba Mewarnai Menggambar anak, Donor Darah, Game Bola

Basket-Futsal-Volley, Bazaar, Galeri Nostalgia (lomba photo boot nostalgia antar angkatan alumni), Carnaval (Ice Cream Party, Badut Street Magicians, Games)

Pkl 17.00-21.00 WIB (Acara Inti/Puncak Reuni):

Nostalgia, Live Band, Food Carnaval, Floor dialogue, Alumni show, Dosen show, etc

Fasilitas: makan malam, snack, souvenir goody bag.