JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Tim basket putri Universitas Surabaya (Ubaya) menjadi juara ACSI Liga Basket Mahasiswa Nasional (Libamanas) 2012 setelah mengalahkan Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) Karawaci 77-64, pada laga final di GOR Basket Senayan, Jakarta, Senin (20/2/2012).
Pertandingan berlangsung ketat karena kedua tim memiliki kemampuan yang sama. Tim UPH selalu membuntuti perolehan skor tim Ubaya, namun akhirnya perlawanan UPH mulai melemah pada kuarter ketiga.
Tim basket putra Ubaya juga menembus final dan saat berita ini diturunkan masih berlaga melawan tim basket Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa (ITHB) Bandung.
Perbanas, Ubaya, dan UPH ke 4 Besar Libama
jakarta, kompas – Tim basket putra dan putri Universitas Surabaya dan Universitas Pelita Harapan Karawaci berhasil lolos ke babak semifinal ACSI Liga Basket Mahasiswa Nasional 2012 yang digelar Minggu (19/2) ini. Mereka lolos setelah memenangi babak delapan besar, Sabtu (18/2), di GOR Basket Senayan, Jakarta. Tim basket putri ABFII Perbanas Jakarta, sebagai juara bertahan, juga lolos ke semifinal.
Tim putra Ubaya merebut tiket ke semifinal setelah mengandaskan tim Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (Unpar) Bandung, 43-69. Sementara tim putri Ubaya lolos ke semifinal setelah mengatasi tim STIE Indonesia, Jakarta, 71-52.
Tim putra UPH, yang merupakan juara bertahan, mengalahkan tim Universitas Esa Unggul (UEU) 71-59. Adapun tim putri UPH menundukkan tim Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) Bandung 62-55.
Tim putri ABFII Perbanas mengungguli tim Universitas Airlangga (Unair) Surabaya, 72-34. Pelatih tim APFII Perbanas, Cecilia Dwi Maya, mengungkapkan, timnya baru mencapai puncak pada kuarter ketiga dan keempat. ”Pada kuarter pertama dan kedua, tim kami mengikuti ritme permainan lawan yang lambat,” katanya.
Dikutip dari : Kompas.Com
Libamanas: Ubaya Women Outlast UPH for College Title
Ami Afriatni | February 20, 2012
After five years of waiting, the University of Surabaya team lifted the National Collegiate Basketball League women’s trophy again.
The team from East Java, which won its first ACSI-Libamanas title in 2007, took control in the fourth quarter to beat tournament favorite Pelita Harapan University (UPH) 77-64 in Monday’s championship game at Gelora Bung Karno Basketball Hall in Jakarta.
“This is a great victory. The team has been playing above expectations,” University of Surabaya (Ubaya) coach Wellyanto Pribadi said after the championship trophy was presented to the team.
“We really didn’t expect this. Several of our starters were injured before going to Jakarta, but we beat the odds to win here. The girls worked really hard for the title.”
Monday’s victory was a testament to that hard work.
From the game’s opening tip, both teams clamped down on defense, but Ubaya still had the legs to take over in the fourth quarter for the win.
Though neither team was able to dominate, Ubaya managed to stay in front and head into halftime with a slim 38-34 lead. The team fell behind for the first time when UPH’s Ajeng Tranita sank a three-pointer to make it 45-42.
That was UPH’s first and last lead.
Ubaya regained control to close the third quarter then dominated the fourth, outscoring UPH 20-14.
“We were a bit tense in the first three quarters,” Ubaya captain Mega Nanda Perdana Putri said. “But we were better on the boards and built on that to finally win the trophy.”
UPH coach Daniel Rahadi said his team was unable to slow Ubaya’s fast break.
“Ubaya’s No. 15 [point guard Sophia Gabriel] made the difference tonight. We just failed to cope with her speed,” Daniel said.
“I also made several bad decisions in the fourth quarter that cost us the trophy. But we’ll learn from this mistake and be better next season.”
Dikutip dari: https://www.thejakartaglobe.com