Pusat Studi Lingkungan (PSL) dan Pusat Studi Bisnis dan Industri (CBIS) Universitas Surabaya bekerjasama dengan Australian Trade Commission ndash; Australian Embassy, akan menyelenggarakan seminar dengan topik THE CARBONOMICS OF CLIMATE CHANGE : LOOKING BEYOND KYOTO COPENHAGEN.
Seminar ini akan diadakan pada :
Hari/tanggal | : | Jumat/5 Maret 2010 |
Pukul | : | 13.00 ndash; 16.00 |
Tempat | : | Gedung Serba Guna Fakultas Ekonomi, FG.1.1 Kampus UBAYA Tenggilis Jalan Raya Kalirungkut, Surabaya 60293 |
Pembicara | : | Prof. Janek Ratnatunga, MBA, PhD Head of the School of Commerce The University of South Australia |
Seminar ini terbuka untuk umum dan tidak dipungut biaya. Untuk menghadiri, mohon melakukan konfirmasi di nomor telpon 031-2981155 atau 031-2981205, atau melalui email : psl@ubaya.ac.id, atau melalui fax di 031 ndash; 2981387
Karena keterbatasan tempat, konfirmasi akan dilayani dengan ‘first come first served’ basis.
Brief Synopsis:
The Kyoto Protocol was the first step towards stabilizing global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). This runs out in 2012. The Copenhagen summit tried to extend this but failed. What impact has this on countries for introducing carbon regulation and what actions are required by companies striving to limit the enhanced greenhouse effect? This presentation details the impact of the Kyoto protocol and the failure of the Copenhagen summit in a number of areas of economics: i.e. financial markets, international trade, supply-chain management, cost analysis and financial reporting and assurance; as countries consider enacting carbon trading legislation. Many countries, business organizations and individuals appear to be woefully ill prepared to meet the challenges posed by the new paradigm of ‘carbonomics’.
Lecturer’s credentials:
Professor Janek Ratnatunga, MBA, PhD (Bradford), Dip. M, FCA, CPA, CMA, is the Head of the School of Commerce at the University of South Australia. Previously, he held the Chair in Business Accounting for 18 years at Monash University, Australia. He has also held academic positions at the University of Melbourne and the University of Canberra in Australia; and the Universities of Washington, Richmond and Rhode Island in the USA. He is currently the Editor of the Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research. He has authored/co-authored twenty-five books on strategic cost management, entrepreneurship, financial accounting, accounting theory and financial modelling; and over 200 academic and professional papers. He has worked in the profession as a Chartered Accountant with KPMG, and is a consultant for the World Bank. He has undertaken a major consultancy for the Australian Department of Defence in the valuation of strategic capabilities, and has valued the ‘brand’ capabilities of major Telecommunication and IT companies worldwide. He is also a world authority on the business and accounting implications of global warming and carbon trading. In January 2009, he was awarded the prestigious American Accounting Association’s Impact on Management Accounting Practice Award. The award is given annually to a paper published within the last five years in a refereed academic journal that has the greatest potential impact on Management Accounting Practice.