Jurusan Teknik Informatika Universitas Surabaya bekerja sama dengan AEC Surabaya akan mengadakan kuliah tamu dengan dosen tamu Dr. Wayne Brookes dari UTS, Sydney – Australia.
Kuliah tamu dengan topik ‘Technologies of the future: Hot topics in IT’ ini akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 7 September 2007, pk 15:30-17:00, bertempat di Gedung Perpustakaan Lt. 5, Kampus Tenggilis, Universitas Surabaya.
Acara ini diperuntukkan untuk seluruh mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Informatika Universitas Surabaya, khususnya mahasiswa baru 2007-2008, dan tidak dipungut biaya.
Technologies of the future: Hot topics in IT
Information technology is continuing to change the world we live in. As technology becomes smaller and more powerful, new opportunities are opening up for applications that were previously only seen in science fiction. This presentation will look at some of the current and emerging developments in information technology, from smarter mobile phones to the next generation of multimedia and entertainment systems.
We will look at some of the ways that IT is changing the field of medicine through bioinformatics and medical monitoring. We will also examine some of the underlying changes in technology making this possible, including developments in nanotechnology, intelligent systems and next generation networks.
Dr. Wayne Brookes – brief CV
Dr Wayne Brookes is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Information Technology at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). Dr Brookes teaches at undergraduate and postgraduate level in the areas of distributed application development and systems administration.
His research interests are in the area of distributed and mobile computing, investigating the infrastructure technologies that enable the development of large scale distributed applications. Dr Brookes also regularly monitors trends in the IT job market, as well as technology trends in IT.
He was previously responsible for managing the undergraduate IT programs at UTS, and now uses his knowledge and experience to inform students about the diverse range of opportunities offered by an IT career.